Teqra Review

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IsTeqra a Scam Broker? 

Like many brokers, Teqra has tried to establish a strong social media presence. However, doing this without providing any support for claims or even high-quality content backfires. Teqra has many Facebook posts, but they are in all-caps and use hypey language. The YouTube videos are comically out of synch and dubbed, which shows the desire to hide their actual identity. It is apparent that an actor was used and the voice of someone else was dubbed. This shows Teqra has something to hide, meaning, the people who run it. 

Is Teqra a Scam or Legit Broker?

Poor content is more than skin deep. A high-quality, regulated broker wants to make a solid impression. The fact we could find no license for Teqra is no surprise given, the poor content. It seems that Teqra is trying to fool people into signing up with them, but hasn’t even put sufficient effort into seeming legitimate. Although Teqra tries to seem professional, it does not even have a license. 

Here are some problems we have discovered from our research on Teqra and reviews:  

  • Not regulated
  • Poor marketing content
  • Guarantees without basis
  • Bad reviews

Our experts do not recommend Teqra.  We encourage visitors to do research, read our broker reviews, and select regulated brokers. If you have been scammed by Teqra or any other broker, contact Broker Complaint Registry right away and we can advise you on fund recovery.