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About Broker Complaint Registry

Online trading scams are rampant and destroying people’s lives. Broker Complaint Registry, will help you navigate the complications of recovering your money.
There are multiple avenues to address issues that arise from the trader-broker relationship. Such options include Regulatory Agencies, Local and National Ombudsman, Police Authorities, Legal Advisers, Banking Consultants and now, Broker Complaint Registry (BCR).
Together, as a community of traders facing the challenges imposed by brokers who profit greatly from ignoring their own unethical policies and behavior, we have the ability to create a force much greater than one individual. The purpose of the BCR is to create a movement where justice is served and those forex, binary options brokerages who violate fair business practices will be held accountable.
BCR’s online community is solution oriented and shares their combined knowledge, which provides greater help for those in need.

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