Investments Global – Review

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Caution Investors Investments Global – Regarding registration of issuance, offer or sale of securities/derivatives, and reporting requirements

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Investments Global Review: Uncover the truth about Investments Global with this comprehensive review. From regulatory concerns to customer reviews and service quality, explore the red flags and make an informed decision before considering any investments. Your financial well-being deserves careful consideration—read on to ensure you’re well-equipped to navigate the investment landscape.

Investments Global: A Comprehensive Review

If you’re considering investing with Investments Global, it’s essential to conduct thorough research and understand the company’s regulatory status, customer reviews, products and services, location, and customer service. In this review, we will delve into each of these aspects to provide you with a well-rounded perspective.

Regulation and Compliance

One of the primary factors to consider when evaluating an investment company is its regulatory status. Regulation and compliance are essential to safeguard investors from potential fraud and misconduct. It ensures that the company adheres to specific standards of conduct, disclosure, and accountability.

According to the Alberta Securities Commission (ASC), Investments Global is not authorized to trade or provide advice on securities or derivatives in Alberta. This lack of registration raises significant concerns as it implies that the company is not authorized to issue, offer, or sell these financial instruments in Alberta, potentially putting investors at risk. The ASC has even placed Investments Global on its Investment Caution List, which includes unregistered companies that may pose risks to investors.

To verify a company’s registration status, you can refer to the ASC’s website for more information.

Customer Reviews

Customer feedback is a valuable source of information when evaluating an investment company. It can shed light on the company’s quality, reliability, reputation, and customer service. However, it’s important to be cautious when relying on online reviews, as some may be misleading or biased, potentially manipulated by the company or its competitors.

A quick internet search reveals limited customer reviews of Investments Global, and most of them are negative. Customers have reported losing money, difficulty withdrawing funds, pressure to invest more, and poor communication with the company. These negative experiences suggest that Investments Global may not be a trustworthy or reputable investment option, raising concerns about its legitimacy.

Products and Services

The range and quality of investment products and services offered by a company are critical factors for investors. Investors should seek a company that aligns with their investment goals, risk tolerance, and preferences. Additionally, a reputable company should provide clear and transparent information about its offerings, including their features, benefits, risks, fees, and performance.

Investments Global claims to offer a variety of investment products, including stocks, bonds, forex, cryptocurrencies, commodities, indices, ETFs, mutual funds, options, futures, and CFDs. They also mention an accessible online platform, professional advice, market analysis, educational resources, and customer support.

However, these claims lack evidence or verification. The company’s website fails to provide crucial details about how these products and services work, their pricing, regulation, and performance. It also lacks disclosure on associated risks, such as market volatility, liquidity issues, leverage effects, and margin requirements. The absence of terms and conditions, a privacy policy, or a disclaimer raises concerns about transparency and legitimacy.


The location and jurisdiction of an investment company are significant factors to consider. A reputable company should be based in a stable and well-regulated jurisdiction with strong investor protections. It should also provide verifiable contact information, including a physical address, for effective communication and conflict resolution.

Investments Global claims to have offices in various countries, including Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Japan. However, the website does not specify addresses or phone numbers for these offices. The only contact information available is an email address and a web form, which are insufficient and unreliable means of communication.

Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, Investments Global is not registered or regulated in Alberta or any other Canadian province or territory. This raises questions about the company’s adherence to the laws and regulations of the countries it claims to operate in, potentially leaving investors without legal recourse or protection.

Customer Service

A critical aspect of evaluating an investment company is its customer service and support. Investors should look for companies that offer responsive, courteous, and helpful customer service through various communication channels, including phone, email, chat, or social media. A positive track record of resolving customer issues and complaints is also indicative of good customer service.

Investments Global states that it provides 24/7 customer service through its online platform and boasts a team of experts ready to assist customers. However, the lack of phone numbers or alternative contact information is a significant drawback, as it limits effective communication. Moreover, there have been numerous customer complaints about poor customer service, with reports of customers being ignored, blocked, or harassed by company representatives. These incidents indicate a lack of responsive and helpful customer support.


In conclusion, Investments Global is a company that claims to offer various investment products and services, but several red flags should give investors pause. The company is not registered or regulated in Alberta or in other jurisdictions where it operates, which raises concerns about its legality. The lack of clear and accurate information about its products and services, its location, and its customer service adds to these concerns.

Furthermore, the negative customer reviews and complaints suggest that Investments Global may not be a reputable or trustworthy investment choice. In light of these findings, we strongly recommend exercising caution and conducting thorough research before considering any investments with this company. Your financial well-being deserves the utmost care and diligence, so make sure to weigh the risks carefully before proceeding with Investments Global.