How do these offshore brokers even exist?

Anyone can open an offshore company. Anyone can license the trading platform technology. Anyone can create a phone system with local number per country. It’s all available to someone who has the means to purchase these items.

How do these offshore companies process credit cards?

If you notice, many of these offshore companies register a small company in the E.U. in order to process their payments. Or, they utilize other companies to process their transactions for them.

How do banks allow for the activities of the offshore binary option scams?

Either they don’t know – or they are turning a blind eye to their activies. Since when have Banks been protective to their own customers, let alone those who aren’t their customers.

Are law firms effective in recovering funds?

Are lawyers effective? This is a good question. In general, lawyers show a great self-interest in all professional matters. We advise to be careful and to avoid never-ending lawsuits against offshore companies. It is hard to find the owners of these companies. Expectations must be very clear at the outset of any lawsuit.

Can BCR recommend a law firm?

Although every victim has a similiar narrative, not every case is the same. We suggest to submit a complaint on our site and we will do our best to refer you to a viable solution.

How would a law firm help in a normal case against a binary options or forex broker?

The most effective approach a law firm would take would be to file a lawsuit against the controlling companies or individuals – wherever they may be. Usually, such a strategy assists in forming a settlement of some sort.