BitSevenonline Scam Broker Complaint | BitSevenonline

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Is  BitSevenonline a Scam Broker?

BitSevenonline is another in a series of crypto brokers and services that promises traders huge returns on trades. Its website looks like any other professional service and therefore, we did some deep diving to find out more about this broker. BitSevenonline offers a cryptoplatform with leveraged orders and says it has offices in Zurich, Belize and Hong Kong. it also claims to be regulated.

Is BitSevenonline  a scam or legit broker?

We looked on the websites of several regulators and could not find further details about BitSevenonline. Legitimate brokers should be eager to demonstrate that they are licensed and should have some degree of visibility. The fact that this information was not traceable doesn’t necessarily mean that it is a scam, but it certainly isn’t apparent that it is not. 


The lack of transparency about services and terms and conditions on the site should cause consumers to question its reliability. Even if BitSevenonline is not a scam, there are many regulated brokers who offer transparency and the opportunity to trade crypto assets.

We have discovered the following issues with BitSevenonline

  • No information on licenses
  • A number of complaints
  • No transparency

We do not recommend trading with BitSevenonline, but instead, looking for regulated and legitimate brokers who will help you meet your financial goals. If you need fund recovery assistance, our experts will provide guidance for retrieving your funds

Reason to suspect a scam broker is in action:
  • The broker froze your account
  • The broker blocked your account
  • You cannot login back into your account
  • Money has been taken out from the account
  • The broker doesn’t take your calls
  • The broker shut down his website
  • You noticed the broker took money out from your bank account with out your permission
  • The broker is offering you a bonus
  • The broker is offering you to fund more money into the account after you lost a large sum

Don’t give up. You can fight back and get your money refunded. Start by filling the form above and we will get in touch with you and provide you with information on how to start the process.

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